Sunday, November 29, 2015

Finding the positive

So, I always thought that with an injury like this —the kind that takes forever to heal — I was just going to get very depressed and not be secluded in my apartment without a life. I mean, technically this is what's happening but I am actually taking some time to appreciate certain things. I am reading a lot of things —mostly ballet— which is creating a different perspective on my view of the world of dance, it's teachers, directors and of course us the dancers.

I've traveled —thanks to the help of some friends— to see some shows. Just a couple of weeks ago I went to see Sarasota Ballet do a triple bill that included McMillan's Concerto, Sir Peter Wright's Summertide, and Ashton's Marguerite and Armand. A truly amazing evening I must say. Few companies in America get to do productions with these ballets and I love that Sarasota Ballet has been trying for the past couple of years to bring this old ballets back to live. It gives me such joy that there's people that care so much for the tradition.

I feel like that's one of the reason why I love going to Copenhagen during my summer lay off to dance with the Royal Danish Ballet, their respect and love for the tradition. If it wasn't for that, they would have not been able to preserve one of their most cherished things, which is the Bournonville style tradition.

Appart from this, of course I have been trying to stay active. Thank god for my pilates instructor that works with me as much as I need it, so I can keep —somehow— in shape. The doctor said I could do anything that doesn't require weight bearing and pointing and flexing my feet. So at least I can work on my legs a little bit and for sure my upper body and my back, as well as keeping myself flexible.

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