Sunday, February 22, 2015


It's quite common for us ballet dancers to find ourselves inside a loop of frustration, negativity and a feeling of not improving. This is how I have been feeling for the past two weeks, and as much as i desire to snap out of it, the circumstances in my work and how the environment and the day by day works, don't let me.
I'm starting to feel invisible to the eyes of my director. I've always felt a little like in the second row, never in the spotlight with this man. Or so I see, compared to how he treats other dancers in the company. At this point, I feel like I could break my knee in the studio during a combination and he wouldn't even notice. I hate this feeling. I am a person that constantly seeks for approval. I need it. Somehow it is what keeps me going.

The rehearsals and the schedules of these past few weeks have been tremendously intense. We've been working out of our working hours because there isn't enough time in hour work day for us to do the multiple things that we do. Also, the fact that both my foot and my knee have been hurting are not helping. It's just one more problem for me to have to deal with.
What can I do?
Where can I seek inspiration when the people around you, specially those that are suppose to mentor you, are not providing you with it?

I'm at a point in my life where I should be the most excited. I'm working on a lot of new works, some of them being choreographed on me, but somehow I still need that approval from my director, that I never seem to get.

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